On the occasion of the World Environment Day, Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) Prakash Javadekar launched the Nagar Van Scheme or Urban Forests Scheme which aims at developing 200 urban forests across the country over the next five years. He highlighted the success of Wajre Urban forest in the city of Pune, Maharashtra which has been developed on a degraded land area. The scheme will be, in part, paid for by the CAMPA (Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016) funds.

During a virtual celebration of World Environment Day, the minister said, “We have forests in rural areas but not much in urban areas. In many cities, there are 2-3 forests but we need more. Therefore, we have introduced the scheme of urban forests. Let us map forest lands and degraded land in cities. And if that is reserved for creating these urban forests, it becomes a people’s movement. I appeal to everyone to work together. We are thinking of giving a prize for creating good forests with people’s participation”, he added. Maharashtra Forest Minister Sanjay Rathod said, the Warje Urban Forest, has been successful in converting 16.8 hectares of a barren hill into green forests.

The Environment Minister said that India has 16% human population of the world. We have 16% population of cattle in the world. Both require land, water and food.We have only 2.5% of the world’s landmass and only 4% of natural water resources. Despite all constraints, the country has managed to preserve around 8% of the world’s biodiversity through its rich culture of worshipping and nurturing every aspect of mother nature. He said, the country believes in the principle of Prithvi Rakshti Rakshatah, which means Mother Nature protects those who protect her.