Education sector is one of those sectors which has a big focus on Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also paid a serious attention to that while preparing this years budget. She has allocated Rs. 99,300 crore for education sector and Rs 3000 crore for skill development. With this ample amount, it can be assumed that the education sector will become stronger in this coming year. Let’s see what else she offered for this sector:

Internship for Engineers
Currently the new doctors have to do compulsory internship in any village, but on Saturday Finance Minister proposed to start a programme where young engineers will get one year internship in urban local bodies, across the country.

Online Education

Photo Courtesy: Franchise India

Nirmala Sitharaman focused on online education as well in the budget. A degree-level full-fledged online education programme to be offered by institutes in top 100 in National Institutional Ranking Framework. It will be very helpful for those, who wanted to do long distance courses.

Other Highlights:

  • Special bridge courses to be designed for teachers, nurses, para medical staff, caregivers.
  • IND-SAT test proposed for foreign students wishing to pursue higher education in India
  • National Police University and National Forensic University are being proposed.
  • ‘Beti bachao, beti padhao’ has yielded tremendous results, gross enrollment ratio of girls across all levels of education now higher than boys.
  • Over 6 lakh Anganwadi workers are equipped with smartphones to upload nutritional status of more than 10 crore households.