The great work done by Kerala government in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic has been noticed by one and all and The United Nations is no exception. Kerala’s Health Minister, KK Shailaja was honoured by the United Nations for her efforts to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. She was one among few world leaders who were invited to speak on the occasion of the United Nations Public Service Day. The celebration was observed on a virtual platform. The Health Minister conducted a webinar explaining what has now come to be known as the ‘Kerala model’ in combating COVID-19. The former teacher has, in recent months, received international recognition for her stewardship of the southern state’s response to the pandemic that has seen Kerala effectively flatten the curve during the first phase of the outbreak.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and other top UN dignitaries came together for the webinar to talk about the strategies they adopted to fight the pandemic. The webinar which was streamed on UN Web TV aimed to honour public servants who have been tirelessly working and supervising COVID-19 situations on the frontline.
Participated in a panel discussion of @UN on the UN Public Service Day. It was an honour to be a part of a panel that included the UN Secretary-general, Director General of @WHO (@DrTedros) & many others. We had a great conversation on the ongoing efforts against #COVID19.
— Shailaja Teacher (@shailajateacher) June 24, 2020
Kerala, which recorded India’s first three coronavirus cases, has been successful in flattening the curve of new infections. The 63-year-old minister’s strategy of aggressive testing, contact tracing and quarantining patients has received global recognition. “Right from the time when COVID cases got reported in Wuhan, Kerala got into the track of the WHO and followed every standard operating protocol and international norms and hence, we have been able to keep the contact spread rate to below 12.5 per cent and the mortality rate to 0.6 per cent,” said Health Minister.
“By drawing strengths on the decentralized public health delivery systems in the state, we activated our entire surveillance network the very next day of WHO’s statement of caution on a respiratory virus of pandemic potential,” she added further. The Health Minister can be recognized for her communication expertise.
Every year on June 23 the United Nations the World Public Service Day to understand and pay respect to public servants the world over. The UN had begun a recognition programme, the UN Public Service Awards (UNPSA) in 2003, to reward the superb work by public servants.