101 Former Civil Servants tried to Encourage the Fire of Communalism?

101 former civil servants of India have written an open letter to the Chief Ministers of all the states in India and the Lieutenants Governors of all the Union Territories on the harassment of Muslims in the name of coronavirus carrier. All the former civil servants united under the banner of the constitutional group and wrote a letter on Thursday 23 April 2020. They also send a copy of their letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

In the letter, they’ve mentioned that they have come together as a constitutional group in June 2017. From then they are organising conclaves and writing open letters on national concerns. They mentioned the case of Tablighi Jamaat members and said that after this case, the negative impression of Muslims has come on a large scale in different parts of the country.

The constitutional group also mentioned about some political parties and a large section of digital and print media to give communal colour to the coronavirus intentionally. They mentioned that the COVID-19 cases are emerging since January. But the Jamaat members are getting criticized for ignoring the principles of Social Distancing. Although such gatherings are rarely the only event of both political and religious matter. Media made this incident big and gave it a communal colour.

They believe that the media is portraying Muslim negative and the cause of the coronavirus spread which is not right. The media and political parties are making it even worse day by day.

The letter aims state governments should look into the matter and should take action to stop this communalism on Muslims. Also, see to it that their daily needs are fulfilled during the lockdown.

They also mentioned some incidents like the spread of fake videos vilifying Muslims, the attacks on Gujjar milk sellers in Hoshiarpur, and the case of the pregnant Muslim woman who was turned away from a hospital and who eventually lost her baby.

And at the last, the letter gives it final calls to ensure the safety of Muslims across the nation. The social boycott should not happen with them. They should not face any boycott from other communities.


The civil servants are the protector and also a servant of the public. It is an honor to be a civil servant. In the civil services exam, the opinion is asked in many situations. The aspirant cannot get flow with the emotions by siding a particular community, caste, religion etc. The civil servant should have the quality of neutrality in them. To judge any situation one must have a neutral opinion first. The civil servants run the society; it’s their responsibility to keep a check that nobody should go against the government guidelines and laws.

101 civil servants united for this letter and mentioned only about the harassment of the Muslims keeping aside the real problem i.e. coronavirus. A question arises here that, Where were these 101 former civil servants when the Corona Warriors were facing attacks?

The former civil servants have asked to take care of the Muslim community. They requested the government to keep a check on their needs. So the answer is that the government is working hard with our corona warriors to save the lives of thousands of people keeping aside caste and religion. But what the Muslims are doing to them is visible to the world.

It might be possible some videos are fake, but the attack on Corona Warriors is unacceptable behavior. But still, the Corona Warriors are ready to treat them after tolerating this kind of misbehavior.

The Tablighi Jamaat members are harassing nurses. They are roaming nude in the quarantine centers. Demanding unnecessary food. Spitting on the roads and also inside the quarantine centers. Then also the government and the Corona Warriors are ready to save their lives.

On what basis the 101 civil servants are defending the shameful behavior of the Muslims. They don’t understand the seriousness of the crisis. They are intentionally violating the guidelines of the government. Above all, they are troubling the whole nation because of their irresponsible and selfish attitude.

They are taking coronavirus as an opportunity to show their grudges over the government. The Media and the other ruling political parties are only supporting what is legit. They are having the proof of visuals that how badly the Muslims are behaving with our Corona Warriors.

101 former civil servants call themselves a constitutional group who talks about the national concern. What kind of national concern is the harassment of Muslims? Instead of this, the real national concern is the attacks on our Corona Warriors, mob lynching etc. Amid this deadly coronavirus spread, this so-called constitutional group is only worried about the Muslims and their needs. The whole nation and world are suffering through this pandemic.

The people like this constitutional group encourage the fire of caste, religion and communalism in the society. They should be worried about the whole nation but no they are only worried about the needs of Muslims.

This letter is a next level example of the spread of the communalism across the nation. The Corona Warriors are saving the lives of everybody without even thinking that the patients are Muslim or of any other religion. The only religion for them is Humanity. It’s high time that the people should look beyond the communalism and read the facts which are occurring in real life.


Here is the list of all 101 former civil servants signatories

1. Anita Agnihotri IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Department of Social Justice Empowerment, GoI
2. Salahuddin Ahmad IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Rajasthan
3. Shafi Alam IPS (Retd.) Former Director General, National Crime Records Bureau, GoI
4. S.P. Ambrose IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Secretary, Ministry of Shipping & Transport, GoI
5. Anand Arni R&AW (Retd.) Former Special Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, GoI
6. Mohinderpal Aulakh IPS (Retd.) Former Director General of Police (Jails), Govt. of Punjab
7. G. Balachandhran IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal
8. Vappala Balachandran IPS (Retd.) Former Special Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, GoI
9. Gopalan Balagopal IAS (Retd.) Former Special Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal
10. Chandrashekhar Balakrishnan IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Coal, GoI
11. Sharad Behar IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
12. Aurobindo Behera IAS (Retd.) Former Member, Board of Revenue, Govt. of Odisha
13. Madhu Bhaduri IFS (Retd.) Former Ambassador to Portugal
14. Meeran C Borwankar IPS (Retd.) Former DGP, Bureau of Police Research and Development, GoI
15. Sundar Burra IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra
16. K.M. Chandrasekhar IAS (Retd.) Former Cabinet Secretary, GoI
17. Rachel Chatterjee IAS (Retd.) Former Special Chief Secretary, Agriculture, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
18. Tishyarakshit Chatterjee IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Environment & Forests, GoI
19. Kalyani Chaudhuri IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal
20. Anna Dani IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra
21. Surjit K. Das IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttarakhand
22. Vibha Puri Das IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI
23. P.R. Dasgupta IAS (Retd.) Former Chairman, Food Corporation of India, GoI
24. Nareshwar Dayal IFS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs and former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
25. Pradeep K. Deb IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Deptt. Of Sports, GoI
26. Nitin Desai IES (Retd.) Former Secretary and Chief Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance, GoI
27. Keshav Desiraju IAS (Retd.) Former Health Secretary, GoI
28. M.G. Devasahayam IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Govt. of Haryana
29. Sushil Dubey IFS (Retd.) Former Ambassador to Sweden
30. A.S. Dulat IPS (Retd.) Former OSD on Kashmir, Prime Minister’s Office, GoI
31. K.P. Fabian IFS (Retd.) Former Ambassador to Italy
32. Arif Ghauri IRS (Retd.) Former Governance Adviser, DFID, Govt. of the United Kingdom (on deputation)
33. Gourisankar Ghosh IAS (Retd.) Former Mission Director, National Drinking Water Mission, GoI
34. Suresh K. Goel IFS (Retd.) Former Director General, Indian Council of Cultural Relations, GoI
35. S. Gopal IPS (Retd.) Former Special Secretary, GoI
36. Meena Gupta IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests, GoI
37. Ravi Vira Gupta IAS (Retd.) Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India
38. Wajahat Habibullah IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, GoI and Chief Information Commissioner
39. Deepa Hari IRS (Resigned)
40. Sajjad Hassan IAS (Retd.) Former Commissioner (Planning), Govt. of Manipur
41. Siraj Hussain IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Department of Agriculture, GoI
42. Kamal Jaswal IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Department of Information Technology, GoI
43. Najeeb Jung IAS (Retd.) Former Lieutenant Governor, Delhi
44. Rahul Khullar IAS (Retd.) Former Chairman, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
45. K. John Koshy IAS (Retd.) Former State Chief Information Commissioner, West Bengal
46. Ajai Kumar Indian Forest Service (Retd.) Former Director, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI
47. Brijesh Kumar IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Department of Information Technology, GoI
48. P.K. Lahiri IAS (Retd.) Former Executive Director, Asian Development Bank
49. Aloke B. Lal IPS (Retd.) Former Director General (Prosecution), Govt. of Uttarakhand
50. Subodh Lal IPoS (Resigned) Former Deputy Director General, Ministry of Communications, GoI
51. Harsh Mander IAS (Retd.) Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
52. Amitabh Mathur IPS (Retd.) Former Director, Aviation Research Centre and Former Special Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, GoI
53. Aditi Mehta IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Rajasthan
54. Dalip Mehta IFS (Retd.) Former Secretary to GoI & Dean, Foreign Service Institute
55. Shivshankar Menon IFS (Retd.) Former Foreign Secretary and Former National Security Adviser
56. Sonalini Mirchandani IFS (Resigned) GoI
57. Sunil Mitra IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Finance, GoI
58. Jugal Mohapatra IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Department of Rural Development, GoI
59. Deb Mukharji IFS (Retd.) Former High Commissioner to Bangladesh and former Ambassador to Nepal
60. Shiv Shankar Mukherjee IFS (Retd.) Former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
61. P.G.J. Nampoothiri IPS (Retd.) Former Director General of Police, Govt. of Gujarat
62. P.A. Nazareth IFS (Retd.) GoI
63. Amitabha Pande IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Inter-State Council, GoI
64. Niranjan Pant IA&AS (Retd.) Former Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General, GoI
65. Alok Perti IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Coal, GoI
66. R.M. Premkumar IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra
67. S.Y. Quraishi IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Election Commissioner
68. N.K. Raghupathy IAS (Retd.) Former Chairman, Staff Selection Commission, GoI


69. V.P. Raja IAS (Retd.) Former Chairman, Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission
70. K. Sujatha Rao IAS (Retd.) Former Health Secretary, GoI
71. M.Y. Rao IAS (Retd.)
72. Satwant Reddy IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Chemicals and Petrochemicals, GoI
73. Vijaya Latha Reddy IFS (Retd.) Former Deputy National Security Adviser, GoI
74. Julio Ribeiro IPS (Retd.) Former Adviser to Governor of Punjab & former Ambassador to Romania
75. Aruna Roy IAS (Resigned)
76. Manabendra N. Roy IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal
77. Deepak Sanan IAS (Retd.) Former Principal Adviser (AR) to Chief Minister, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh
78. G. Sankaran IC&CES (Retd.) Former President, Customs, Excise and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal
79. Shyam Saran IFS (Retd.) Former Foreign Secretary and Former Chairman, National Security Advisory Board
80. S. Satyabhama IAS (Retd.) Former Chairperson, National Seeds Corporation, GoI
81. N.C. Saxena IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Planning Commission, GoI
82. A. Selvaraj IRS (Retd.) Former Chief Commissioner, Income Tax, Chennai, GoI
83. Ardhendu Sen IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal
84. Abhijit Sengupta IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Culture, GoI
85. Aftab Seth IFS (Retd.) Former Ambassador to Japan
86. Ajay Shankar IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Deptt. of Industrial Policy & Promotion
87. Ashok Kumar Sharma IFS (Retd.) Former Ambassador to Finland and Estonia
88. Navrekha Sharma IFS (Retd.) Former Ambassador to Indonesia
89. Raju Sharma IAS (Retd.) Former Member, Board of Revenue, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
90. Har Mander Singh IAS (Retd.) Former Director General, ESI Corporation, GoI
91. Tirlochan Singh IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, National Commission for Minorities, GoI
92. Jawhar Sircar IAS (Retd.)


Former Secretary, Ministry of Culture, GoI, & former CEO, Prasar Bharati
93. Narendra Sisodia IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Finance, GoI


94. Sanjivi Sundar IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary, Ministry of Surface Transport, GoI
95. Parveen Talha IRS (Retd.) Former Member, Union Public Service Commission
96. Thanksy Thekkekera IAS (Retd.) Former Additional Chief Secretary, Minorities Development, Govt. of Maharashtra
97. P.S.S. Thomas IAS (Retd.) Former Secretary General, National Human Rights Commission
98. Geetha Thoopal IRAS (Retd.) Former General Manager, Metro Railway, Kolkata
99. Hindal Tyabji IAS (Retd.) Former Chief Secretary rank, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir
100. Ashok Vajpeyi IAS (Retd.) Former Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi
101. Ramani Venkatesan


IAS (Retd.) Former Director-General, YASHADA, Govt. of Maharashtra


The above writing is merely an opinion. Since the constitution of India give each and everybody a right to speech and right to express their opinion in an open way. This is not against any particular religion.