Bangladesh Violence: Condemnation and Call for Action

Ram mohan rai

We are deeply distressed and saddened by the violence and killings in Bangladesh on the occasion of Durga Puja and Vijayadashmi.

Attacks on minorities are a sign of injustice and a matter of shame for any society and brings disrepute to the government.

Even as we were feeling some relief at the Government of Bangladesh reigning in fanatic groups and controlling communalism in the country, the current outbreak of mayhem and violence against the minorities comes as a big shock, and seems a setback to the government in its efforts to curb communalism and promote communal amity and peaceful coexistence.

In the time of social media, it is easy to identify, try and punish all those who are involved in the recent violence and give exemplary punishment to deter others and ensure such obnoxious incidences are not repeated again. We also urge the Government of Bangladesh to immediately reconstruct and repair all places of worship, houses and any other assets that are damaged and provide generous compensation to the injured and to families of all those killed and government jobs to their next of kin.

Recurring instances of communal and sectarian violence in different countries across the world show that divisive and fanatic elements are constantly engaged in spreading hate that could ultimately harm humanity as a whole. Hence members of all societies and the governments must have a constant vigil against them to prevent violence and ensure peace that alone can provide prosperity for all.

[Central Committee of Gandhi Global Family headed by Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad]
(Issued by Ram Mohan Rai Gen., Secy., GGF)