UN feels we are lagging behind to achieve Good Health

Good health and well being is one of the important goals of SDG 2030. If we see in a broader perspective a lot of work has already been done to achieve this goal. In fact UNDP states that there are lot of progress has been seen is decreasing deaths of infants and maternal mortality rates have also come down. The deaths due to HIV and malaria have halved.

But in a latest report presented by Business Insider, Hans Hoogeveen, permanent representative of the Kingdom of Netherlands to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said that, We are not going to achieve the goals by next decade.”

He was talking on 43rd session of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome.

Reasons for lagging behind

Good health depends on many parameters like climate, environment, healthy food habits, healthy behavioral habits and lot more. But in current scenario, things have become unpredictable.